My kid really loves flowers.
One of the few times he’s ever had a tantrum was when I refused to take him into a florist because we didn’t have time to stop.
When we do go in – which is most of the time, because I can hardly ever resist browsing through the blooms – he gravitates towards sunflowers, billy buttons, and other bright yellow flowers.
The other day, he found these round-headed dahlias, and declared the *neeeeeded* a bunch for his room.
Then he asked me if I could take a picture of him with his “pompom flowers”.
Uh, have we met, kiddo? Of course!
Yellow will always be the colour I associate most strongly with my sunshine baby. I love that he’s drawn to it too.
I used: Paislee Press ‘Let’s Talk About’ papers, and elements || Staedtler fineliner, 0.2 || Little rubber camera from Ali Edwards ‘Craft’ Story Kit.